Mission Statement: To Protect the integrity of the lakes by engaging the Lake Wynonah community in a positive campaign of stewardship for our streams, lakes, and our connecting tributaries.
Lake Wynonah people are Lake People, a small minority who have found their perfect place on earth. To be a lake person, you value the silence of an early morning, barely a ripple, and then the thrill when a fish bends the rod in half. Or the kayak slicing through clear water. The skier feeling the rush of a slalom pull. Swimming with a gang of friends, or peacefully alone. The pontoon party that literally “rocks”! Mile-long sunsets reflected on deep glass water. Once having experienced lake life, the Lake Person knows they are home.
Now imagine your favorite lake activities in murky water, covered in algae, unable to support aquatic life. By studying what causes the process of eutrophication and testing for its evidence, the Lakes Committee is committed to the preservation of our most valuable resources. We owe this, not only to support our current property values, but also to preserve the lakes we love for future Lake People to enjoy.
The Lakes Committee is committed to the preservation of our lakes, the common denominator which holds us to this place. As every lake ages, even the most remote pristine lake is destined to self-destruct and is eventually swallowed up by its surroundings. This process is called eutrophication. A population and houses surrounding a lake’s shores only accelerates this process, simply by the actions of living.
*OUR VISION: *The Lakes Committee is dedicated to finding ways to protect and enhance our community’s most valuable assets… Fawn Lake and Lake Wynonah. Monitoring the quality of our lakes is necessary. Clean, viable lakes will maintain and increase the value of all our properties and be safe for all water activities. Our committee continually seeks out professional advice from agencies like the Pennsylvania Lake Management Society, Schuylkill Conservation District, Department of Environmental Protection and Penn State University, regarding the lake’s watershed, monitoring and testing. Our members continue to research and educate themselves on every aspect of maintaining healthy, safe lakes for all aquatic life that inhabit the waters. If you are interested in becoming a part of this important committee and help put the finishing touches on a Lakes Management Plan you are welcome to join.
Other Resources:
- PA Lake Management Society – Lake Wynonah presently has a grant to utilize their resources. Many links within this site.
- Master Gardener Program Brochure Interested in planting native plants, making a rain garden, landscaping for wildlife and so much more Go to the Master Gardeners section.
- A Model Lake Plan for a Community One of our goals is to make a Lakes Management Plan. It is a comprehensive plan to include all aspects of the lake, from our management team to all the committees, to outside agencies that enter our lakes to the families that live here. Everyone can take an active role in being good stewards to our most valuable resources: our streams and lakes. It is in the infancy stage and this model lake plan can serve as a sample. We hope to have our own Lake Management Plan by 2022 using ideas from this source.
Landscaping with Native Plants
Clean Your Gear – Help Reduce the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species
Thinking of Adding Sand to Replenish Your Beach?
Beach Construction – Water Quality Impacts of Dumping Sand
How Sand Affects the Health of Roaring Brook Lake
How to Maintain Your Grass Drainage Swale
Water Quality Testing in Lakes, Ponds, And Wetlands
Interpreting Water Tests for Ponds and Lakes
How to Keep Geese Off Your Lakefront